Six COLOR Studios
I'm a lifelong reader, writer, musician, and dreamer who creates to reach out to others. Some of my favorite things are Terry Pratchett's The Science of Discworld, Overcooked! 2, Trine 2, and Joe Hisaishi's OST for Howl's Moving Castle.
Ragnarök TD ( - WolverineSoft Studio @ UMichNarrative Designer | Audio & Narrative Coordinator

Ragnarök TD – Narrative Work (Video)
TIMESTAMPS, for your reference:
0:08: Visual Novel, Scene 1
2:25: In-Level Gameplay
3:00: Visual Novel, Scene 2
Designed in-level conditional dialogue system in response to playtest feedback to improve player experience
Wrote and implemented in-level and visual novel dialogue, item descriptions, and more in Unity
Created and maintained narrative design documentation in Confluence
Outlined and developed possible game themes and concepts for other designers' consideration and overall creative direction
Managed tasks and scheduling for 5-person narrative team
Coordinated with 12 other artists, programmers, and designers to successfully ship game in 12 weeks
Initial Design Doc
Dialogue, Descriptions, etc.
Rideshare Rampage ( - WolverineSoft Studio @ UMichBarks Writer

Supervised the first implementation of voiceover in a WolverineSoft Studio game, from writing to recording to implementation
Wrote and implemented 40 passenger barks for idle, rating, and other functions to suit game's tone and existing features
Collaborated and coordinated with 5 voice actors to record and send back voiceover in a remote studio
Blood for Blood ( - Epic Games MegaJam 2021Narrative Designer

Your world has turned against you, and the god of the forest will help you...for a price.
Do you accept?
An intimate short story against a sci-fi backdrop.
Are You–?
A ten-minute play about two people falling in-fatuation.
12 Things Scientists Don't Want You to Know About Modern Technology
A love story in text messages.
that warm honey sweetness
"I do not know if I love you...
I do not think that I do."
Sound Design – Demo Reel
Ragnarök TD ( - WolverineSoft Studio @ UMichTechnical Sound Designer | Audio Coordinator
Music Tracks Composed and Produced for Ragnarök TD (playlist):
Implemented over 150 SFX, including ambience, UI, 30+ voicelines, and more through Wwise-Unity Integration and Unity C# scripts
Designed and foleyed SFX in Reaper and Izotope RX, ranging from attacks and UI to ambience and music, to fit the needs of the game
Composed and produced 2 tracks for credits and visual novel scene
Coordinated tasks for and collaborated in 3-person audio team
Set and followed standards for asset tracking, file types, bitrates, and sample rates
Tested implementation; identified and resolved audio bugs
Meticulously used Git version control
Worked from first audio implementation to shipment
Worked closely with programmers, artists, and designers to ensure smooth implementation and overall game cohesion
Rideshare Rampage ( - WolverineSoft Studio @ UMichComposer | Sound Designer | Audio Implementer
A case study of Crazy Taxi, a 3D racing game.
Level Music (as post-produced by me):
Vocals, Lyrics, and Post-Production by Crystal Lee.
Guitar and Drums by Jacob Wolfe.
Implemented ambience, 7+ UI SFX, 17 voice lines, and 2 music tracks via Wwise-Unreal Engine 4 Integration and Blueprint Visual Scripting
Edited 3 sound FX and 10 voiceover assets in Reaper for implementation in Wwise and UE4
Composed and recorded vocal lyrics and melody for guitar and drum track
Edited together 2 different musical tracks in Reaper for an overall cohesive sound
Collaborated closely with 2 other audio team members to create and implement SFX and audio assets throughout the game
Successfully collaborated across audio, world-building, UI, and art departments to design, create, and implement sound effects and music
Responsibly managed tasks, time, and scheduling
Diligently contributed to design, world-building, and UI meetings
Blood for Blood ( - Epic Games MegaJam 2021Composer
Level Music (Composed and Produced by Crystal Lee)
Composed and produced level music
Collaborated in team of 5 to create game in 6 days for the Epic Games MegaJam 2021
Prototyped main menu and level music implementation in Unreal Engine's Blueprints for programmers' convenience
Maintained consistent communication over game development period
"Kokomo Gang" - Space Boy: The Official FandubComposer
Full Version
As seen in the Space Boy: The Official Fandub
Season 1, Episode 8 (8:06-8:58)
Composed by Crystal Lee and Stephanie Clare.
I used Musescore, MIDI, VSTs, and Reaper to compose and produce this track for Space Boy's main character and her friends at her new home on Earth. Stephanie wrote the underlying sixth-note figure in the first and last sections and arranged chords; we worked together on orchestration.
Listen for the classical complexity in an accessible style, the soft mix of piano and a couple layers of acoustic guitar.The entire track is our original work.You can find Stephanie's work here, and her version of Kokomo Gang here.
Sonatina in A
Entirely created by Crystal Lee (<-- that's me!)
A sonatina, or "mini sonata," in A Major for flute and piano. “Sonatina in A” is a study of the classical sonata form. The main sections of this piece are an A theme, a B theme, and a “development section."
Listen for complex chord progressions, realistic, playable piano, chromaticism, and an intelligible experience amidst the underlying complexity.
One of the challenges I faced was composing two themes that were different, but not too different, and linking them together smoothly. After all, they had to fit within the confines of this one piece! This piece taught me that technical elements, like key, tempo, and instrumentation can connect two themes; it also taught me that just linking together these elements doesn’t always sound good. I learned to blend both these elements and my own instincts to create music that I like.
“Sonatina in A” was composed in Sibelius and Musescore, and produced in Reaper.